Need a new nurse aide program, to report programmatic or instructor changes, or request a lab/instruction area relocation. We have you covered! Complete our simple report form that covers all your reporting needs. Please remember to report all changes or hours you have completed may not count towards the required course completion hours.
Medicaid Services Manual all programs must follow all regulations in this manual.
Clinical Site Checklist please complete prior to taking your class to any clinical experience.
Required Site Visit Equipment and Documentation a list of items that will be verified on your annual site visit.
You have a responsibility that should not be taken lightly. If you need information concerning how to report elder abuse, the signs of elder abuse, please visit the Elder Abuse Awareness site operated by the KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Department of Community Based Services. Abuse may be reported 24 hours a day at 1-800-752-6200, calls can be made anonymously.
- Mosby's Textbook for Long-Term Care Nursing Assistants by Kostelnick - Must be the KY specific textbook/workbook or package.
- Hartman Nursing Assistant Care the Basics by Hartman Publishing Inc, Jetta Fuzy
- American Health Care Association, How to Be a Nurse Assistant by Julie Gdowski
All textbooks are to be in their most recent edition.
The following digital training resources are approved for use:
- CNA Online/Academic Platform
- ReadyCNA/Cinematic Health
New TB Regulations were implemented and effective 3/4/2016. Below are documents that should assist with the impact these regulation updates have on your nurse aide program.
The KY TB Regulation Update provides an overview of the regulations changes.
The Kentucky Department for Public Health published the TB Risk Assessment for your use.
The Center for Disease Control also published a Sample Risk Assessment Tool.
Regulations to Review
902 KAR 20:200: Tuberculosis (TB) testing for residents in long-term care settings.
902 KAR 20:205: Tuberculosis (TB) testing for health care workers.
Hepatitus B Information form is required for secondary programs only.
Current Testing fees can be found under Online testing.
Secondary students will be charged at the standard pricing structure.
There are 2 approved providers for the Methods of Instruction Course. Please register directly with each provider.
KAHCF will be hosting a MOI course on the following dates:
Register for our new MOI course. This asynchronous course allows timely training and flexible access for new instructors. KCTCS charges $250 for the course which takes 16 hours to complete, at your own pace.