Resources for Nurse Aide Students
You have found the #1 source for nurse aide information in KY! That might be an exaggeration, but this site has some wonderful resources for you. Your local KNAT Coordinator is your go-to resource for questions concerning nurse aide training and testing.
Need help paying for your nurse aide education? Scholarships may be available sponsored by the Kentucky Lottery! Grab your potential winning ticket and seek out a KCTCS financial aid specialist.
Good luck on your journey!
Nurse Aide Laws
Medicaid Services Manual- all nurse aide training programs are required to follow the regulations and guidelines contained in this manual.
Nurse Aide Training Criteria and Registry
Prohibition Against Employing Certain Felons- Nurse Aides with certain felonies will be barred from employment. Please read if this may pertain to your situation.
TB Infection Control Regulation Update- Overview of the new TB infection control regulations. Please speak with your instructor if you have any questions regarding this information.
Nurse Aide Study Guide
Testing Site User Guide
Student Edition -TMU Test Site User Guide
Secondary Students enrolled in a Patient Care Technician course
The Patient Care Technician pathway with KDE/OCTEST will not qualify students to take the Medicaid Nurse Aide Competency Exam to be a State Registered Nurse Aide. Please consult with your instructor.
Nurse Aide Post-Test Survey
We would love to hear about your testing experience. Please complete this Survey.
Nurse Aide Grade Appeals
A formal process has been established for test takers to appeal their grades on the compentency evaluation. Grade appeals should be based on testing irregularities or process violations.
Elder Abuse
You have a responsibility that should not be taken lightly. If you need information concerning how to report elder abuse, the signs of elder abuse, please visit the Elder Abuse Awareness site operated by the KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Department of Community Based Services. Abuse may be reported 24 hours a day at 1-800-752-6200, calls can be made anonymously.