Registration, Payment, Scheduling, View and Print Results, Study Guide
STUDENT- Account Creation
Once the Instructor has added the student to TMU, the
student should get the following email:
Subject: Account Created
From: <no-reply@tmutest.com
If not found, students can still log in using the email address the instructor put in TMU and do the forgot password process.
Once logged in, the student will be asked to complete registration information and
a few background questions. The student can log in any time prior to testing to complete
When the instructor has marked the student as completing the course, the student or
the instructor can schedule the exam by
logging back into the TMU system
STUDENT- Pay/Schedule
Students have access to the latest study guide
under downloads.
Log into: https://ky.tmutest.com/
(If registration is not complete,
that will pop up first to force
- Select Testing ⇒
- If student pays for their exam, this screen will show: (if facility is paying, that
needs to be completed first from the facility side and then this screen will be skipped
for the student)
- Select tests to pay/schedule, then go to cart at the top and pay.
- Once paid, this screen will show (click on the blue schedule button):
It will list by date or select site on Map to filter: - Select Schedule ⇒
- Click on the blue schedule button then confirm:
- Scheduled Exam is in yellow
- Then schedule the second exam (knowledge/skill)
- Student may print confirmation
with day of instructions and view directions
STUDENT- Results
An email notification of the results being ready for view will be sent within 1-3
days after exam. Log back into TMU to view/print results.
Please Note:
(the hold/invalid notification is a
system setting please disregard)
If student did not pass the exam, the option to pay for the failed exam retake will also be on the results screen and the process is the same:
Rescheduling missed exam:
The system locks a student out of being about to reschedule 3 days prior to exam.
If you did not attend an exam you were scheduled for, the option to repay/reschedule
will reappear as an option after the test results of the missed exam event are finalized
~3 days after missed event. Same process as above. Test Fees are Non-Refundable (we cannot reschedule within the 3-day window as test proctor schedules are set)
I did not receive the registration email.
How do I get that resent?
- The system won’t resend the registration email if a student’s email is changed/corrected. Any student that does not get the TMU registration email can login using their email on file and do a forgot password. That will get them to the same place to complete registration.
I passed but the site says hold/invalid?
- Hold/Invalid is a normal system setting after a student has tested and is archived in our system. The test results are further down the page.
I need to reschedule.
- Students can reschedule in the system up to 3 days before exam. Once inside the window, the system will remove this option. If a student does not attend their scheduled event, they will be marked as a no show, and the system will allow rescheduling/repayment 24-48 hours after the scheduled event has concluded. Test fees are non refundabl
What Payments are accepted?
- Visa, Discover, and Mastercard.
We are unable to accept AMEX.
How can I see what dates are available
before I pay?
- The test date icon can be seen prior to logging into the TMU site. Select it and you can view the calendar before paying. (Note:Dates shown may changed once logged in due to removing those closed for specific groups