Study Guide Changes
- Updated KNAT Coordinators List
- Page 6: Added section concerning Reimbursements
- Updated the Table of Contents
- Page 14, point 13: Updated URL for Nurse Aide website
- Updated URL
- Updated KNAT Coordinators List
- Updated KBN URL
- Page 42: Added new #8 concerning disruptive behavior
- Page 7: added information and link about post-test survey, added information and link about the grade appeals process
- Page 12: added information about limited evaluator interactions and evaluators cannot read test taker's mind
- Updated KNAT Coordinators list
- Page 16: Bed Bath Full - edited step #35 to include "lower bedrail on side nearest you"
- Page 19 - 20: Bed Making Occupied – Added notation that this version will be removed from testing 2/1/2018.
- Page 21: Bed Making Occupied – Added notation that this version is new due to the
adoption of fitted sheets. This will be added to testing rotation on 2/1/2018
- Steps edited on original version from pages 19 – 20 as reflected in updated version
on page 21:
Step 9: removed “…with fold in the center and lower edge of sheet even with foot of mattress…” Added “…on the mattress” - Step 10: Removed “miter corners”. Added “fitted” to describe sheet. Added “tuck the corner of the fitted sheet over the head and foot of the mattress; tuck the sheet under the mattress from the head to the foot”.
- Old step 11: deleted “Fanfold surplus sheet close to the resident’s back” New step 11: changed “fanfold” to “roll”
- Old step 17, new step 16: Edited to read, “Tuck the corner of the fitted sheet over the head and foot of the mattress, tuck the sheet under the mattress from the head to the foot.
- Old step 19, new step 18: Edited to add “Adjust pillows for comfort”
- Old step 20, new step 19: Edited first sentence to “Place top sheet over bath blanket with hem stitching facing upward”
- Old step 21, new step 20: added “make a toe pleat”
- Old step 24: Deleted
- Steps edited on original version from pages 19 – 20 as reflected in updated version
on page 21:
- Page 23 - 24: Bed Making Unoccupied/Closed – Added notation that this version will be removed from testing 2/1/2018.
- Page 25: Bed Making Unoccupied/Closed – Added notation that this version is new due
to the adoption of fitted sheets. This will be added to testing rotation on 2/1/2018.
- Steps edited on original version from pages 23 – 24 as reflected in updated version on page 25:
- Step 4: Deleted the following: “Unfold it lengthwise”
“Place the center crease in the middle of the bed”
“Position the lower edge evenly with the bottom of the mattress” - Old Step 5: deleted “Pick the sheet up from the side to open it. Fanfold it toward the other side of the bed”
- Old Step 6, New Step 5: Deleted “Go to the head of the bed” and “Make a mitered corner” Edited rest to read “”Tuck corner of the fitted sheet over the head and the foot of the mattress.” And “Tuck the sheet under the mattress from the head to the foot”
- Old step 10: Deleted “Miter the top corner of the bottom sheet”
- Old step 11, new step 9: Removed “tuck well under side of mattress to read: “Tuck corner of fitted sheet over the head and the foot of the mattress. Tuck the sheet under the mattress from the head to the foot.
- Old step 13: Deleted “Go to the other side of the bed”
- Old step 14, New step 11: Changed “Outward” to “Upward”
- Page 24: corrected step from “29” to “19”
- Page 27: Clearing the Obstructed Airway
Step 2: edited to read, “Ask the victim if they can cough or speak” - Page 42: Hand Hygiene
Deleted old line 7: If bar soap is used, rinse it well before lathering and before returning it to the dish” Bar soap has been phased out as a reference due to industry standards. - Page 47: Renewal of Registration
Added “If for whatever reason you are unable to change your status on the Nurse Aide Registry from expired to current and in good standing, your only option is to repeat the 75-hour nurse aide course with an approved provider and successfully complete the NATCEP again.
- Removed Bed Making Occupied skill that utilized flat sheets.
- Removed Bed Making Unoccupied/Closed skill that utilized flat sheets.
- Removed Measure and Record Height and Weight skill.
- Updated Coordintor Contact List.
- Updated the Table of Contents to remove skills, add skills, and correct page numbers.
- Removed all study guide change details previous to 2016. These are on file if requested.
- Page 14: Applying an Adult Brief- Added new skill. This will be added to the testing rotation starting 4/1/2018.
- Page 20: Bed Making Occupied – w/ fitted sheets- Skill now available for testing.
- Page 22: Bed Making Unoccupied/Closed – w/ fitted sheets - Skill now available for testing.
- Page 37: Range of Motion Exercises – Shoulder - Added new skill. This will be added to the testing rotation starting 4/1/2018.
- Page 40: Transferring a Resident from a Wheelchair to a Bed - Added new skill. This will be added to the testing rotation starting 4/1/2018.
- Global change: change all references to “Wash Hands” to “Hand Hygiene”.
- Page 42: Changed title of skill from “Wash Hands Aseptically” to “Hand Hygiene” - Step #8: Changed to read: “Steps 9-12”
- Page 3: Added the following notice: Test candidates will be tested using skills from the most recent study guide regardless of when training was completed. It is the test candidate’s responsibility to check for updates and changes prior to testing.
- Page 17: Updated task list #49 to include incontinence briefs.
- Page 4: Updated Coordinator Contact List
- Page 18: Bed Bath – Full – step #33 is now critical.
- Page 37: Range of Motion Exercises – Shoulder – will not be added to testing rotation
until 5/1/2018, changed from 4/1/2018.
- Step #2: Changed bed rail to side rails.
- Step #4: Removed “Cover resident with bath blanket and remove top linens”.
- Step #9: Changed “Abduction” to “Adduction”.
- Step #12: Changed “inward” to “internal” and “outward” to “external”.
- Step #13: “Cover the resident” deleted.
- Renumbered skill.
- Page 40: Transferring a Resident from a Wheelchair to a Bed – removed notation about when it is added to testing rotation. This skill is now available for testing.
- Page 14: Applying an Adult Brief – will not be added to testing rotation until 5/1/2018, changed from 4/1/2018. Entire skill was re-written.
- Page 37: Range of Motion Exercises - Shoulder - Step #17: Removed “remove bath blanket”.
- Updated Coordinator Contact List
- Page 14: Applying an Adult Brief – removed notation about when it is added to testing rotation.
- Page 37: Range of Motion Exercises – Shoulder – removed notation about when it is added to testing rotation
- Page 45: #9: Added clarification that “hard copy translating dictionaries will be reviewed”.
- Page 2: Updated Table of Contents.
- Page 3: Updated the nurse aide website URL.
- Page 4: Updated the contact information for Big Sandy Community & Technical College.
- Page 7: Updated the nurse aide website URL. Added additional information regarding the nurse aide grade appeal process.
- Page 13: The test will now consist of 28 skills instead of 27.
- Page 30: Giving the Bedpan: Modified the skill and notated this will be added back into testing rotation on 7/1/2019.
- Page 40: Shaving the Person’s Face with a Safety Razor: Added the skill and notated this will be added into testing rotation on 7/1/2019.
- Page 45: Updated # 8 to add that professional behavior is expected at all times.
- Page 46: Added #16 to reflect the use of Fitbits, Apple watches, and similar wearable electronic devices is prohibited.
- Page 2: Updated Table of Contents
- Page 3: Updated textbook choices
- Page 4 – 5: Updated Coordinator contact information.
- Pages 8 – 9: Deleted chapter information from the task list due to three textbook choices now available.
- Page 9: Added Curriculum Crosswalk information.
- Page 30: Giving the Bedpan: Removed the notation of when it will be added back into testing rotation.
- Page 40: Shaving the Person’s Face with a Safety Razor:
- Changed effective date to 8/15/2019.
- Modified procedure to include raising side rails, raising the bed, and lower a side rail at beginning of procedure.
- Modified procedure to include raising side rail, lowering the bed, lower side rails at end of procedure.
- Cover Page: Added rev to date 07/02/2019 version.
- Page 46: #13 was deleted, 14,15, and 16 renumbered.
- Guide was converted to webpages for accessibility and ease of updating and distribution.