Test Administration Procedures
- Each candidate is to be at the test location and ready to begin the test by the starting time. A candidate arriving late may be considered a “no-show”.
- Only the candidates who are on the official roster will be allowed to take the written and/or performance test(s).
- When arriving at the test site, candidates will be required to provide documents at every test appointment that proves their identity and their eligibility to work. Currently documents listed on the I-9 Form - scroll to last page of application are only documents that can be used for this.
The Social Security number is used to identify the candidate on the State Nurse Aide Registry. The candidate does not have to present a card, but a document is needed showing the candidates name and social security number.
Social Security Number Verification Service can help to identify documents that might show your social security number or your employer may provide a document for you to bring to the testing site.
A test candidate’s identity documents presented to the competency evaluation program proctor shall identify the candidate’s same full name to include middle initial.
This does not mean that a middle initial or middle name is required, but if a middle initial or middle name is listed on one document, it must be present and match by the first letter of the middle initial or middle name on all. For example: Jane Doe on a Social Security card and Jane A. Doe on a Driver’s License are not the same and will not be accepted.
However, Jane A Doe on a Driver’s License and Jane Ann Doe on Social Security card will be accepted.
If the social security card has multiple middle names, but the driver's license (DL) or state issued identification card (I.D.) has only a middle initial or one middle name, a letter from the Circuit Clerk's office, on official letterhead, is required. The Circuit Clerk, in the test candidate's home county, is the entity responsible for issuing driver's license and state issued I.D. cards. The letter must contain at a minimum the following information:
- Candidates name on DL or state issued I.D. card
- Candidates full name that matches the full name and name order on the SS card
- DL # or state issued I.D. card # of the candidate to verify the identification in question
- Signature of the Circuit Clerk or Circuit Clerk’s designee
The order of the names, initials, and spelling must match, in both the letter and on the identification cards.
Acceptable Example:
Jane A Doe on Driver's License,
Jane Ann Smith Doe on SS Card, AND
Letter containing references to these names in the same order as described above.
Unacceptable Example:
Jane S Doe on Driver's License
Jane Ann Smith Doe on SS Card
To correct this situation, the test candidate must get a new DL or State Issued ID card with the middle initial "A" and the corresponding letter referencing the names in the same order.
A test candidate with multiple middle names on the social security card who fails to provide the identity documentation above will not be allowed to take the state test until the documentation is received or identification is presented that meets acceptable criteria.
- Please note that a letter from a Social Security Administration field office stating a test candidate applied for a replacement social security card will not be accepted as proof of the candidate’s social security number or identity.
- Candidate’s identity documents including the social security card must be in good condition. Good condition is defined as: A condition that allows the test proctor to establish the candidate’s identity and validity of the document. Condition of the documents is to be determined by the test proctor and is at their total discretion.
- Candidates that arrive at the test site without the proper ID’s will not be allowed to test and will be required to reschedule their assessment and will forfeit all testing fees.
- Candidates that present fraudulent identification documents for testing will forfeit all testing fees and may be reported to the proper authorities.
In the case of an official Federal Government shutdown that impacts the issuance of Social Security Cards, the following guidelines will be followed:
- If an individual’s training is set to expire during the shutdown, the training date shall be extended for a period of time not to exceed the # of days the Federal Government ceased to issue Social Security Cards. Nurse Aide training expires one year from the date of completion.
- If an individual is currently employed at a facility and will be removed from direct patient care due to exceeding the 120 day requirement to be listed on the KY Nurse Aide Registry, the employing facility may present a photocopy of the individuals Social Security Card. Copies from individual testers will not be accepted. However, verifying identity based on name matching between identity documents is still required.
All others that fall outside the guidelines listed above will be required to follow normal testing procedures outlined in this study guide. No other exceptions will be made.
- Test related materials that are needed will be supplied. Candidates are NOT allowed to bring reference materials, etc. into the test room or holding room. Candidates cannot use or use any notes, or other types of references during the test.
- No supplied test materials, documents, or notes of any kind may be removed from the examination room.
- Any candidate observed giving or receiving assistance of any kind during the test will be dismissed and his/her test results will be declared null and void.
- Cell phones are required to be off and put away while testing. Any candidate observed using a cell phone in the written test area, performance test area, holding room, or any other designated testing area will be dismissed and his/her test results will be declared null and void. The candidate will be required to re-schedule and re-pay for their assessment.
- Test candidates are to exhibit professional behavior at all times. Any candidate behavior that is deemed disruptive to the testing process will be dismissed and his/her test results will be declared null and void. The candidate will be required to re-schedule and re-pay for their assessment. Disruptive behavior is to be determined by the test proctor at their sole discretion.
- Electronic translating dictionaries are not allowed for use during testing. Hard copy translating dictionaries will be reviewed. Any dictionaries with hand-written notes will not be allowed for use during testing.
- The test monitor will orient the candidates as a group prior to testing.
- At the end of time for each section of the test, the candidate will turn in all test materials to the monitor.
- Payments for nurse aide testing that are returned and not honored, the assessment(s) will not be graded and you must pay in full within 30 days of your test date. If you bring your account in good standing within 30 days, your test will be graded. If you fail to bring your account in good standing within 30 days of your test date, your test will be shredded. You will be required to reschedule your assessment and repay your test fee.
- This information is current as of the date it is printed. Regional Coordinators and Test administrators will follow the information contained in the current version of the document. The current version is available on the nurse aide website.
- Testing may take several hours. Please contact your local testing center about the availability of vending and change machines. If vending machines are not available, please feel free to bring your own drinks and snacks.
- Fitbits, Apple watches, and all similar wearable electronic devices are required to be removed prior to testing. Any candidate observed using a wearable electronic device in any designated testing area will be dismissed and their test results will be declared null and void. The candidate will be required to re-schedule and re-pay for their assessment.
Notification of Test Scores
Each candidate will receive test scores via postal mail. The Medicaid nurse aide test coordinator, the nursing facility, and the training facility will receive a printout of the candidates test scores. If the candidate has successfully completed both the written and the performance tests of the Medicaid Nurse Aide Competency Evaluation, their name will be forwarded to the Kentucky Nurse Aide Registry at the Kentucky Board of Nursing. If any test retakes are necessary, information will be provided to the candidate. No other agency or individual will be provided individual test scores without the expressed written request of the test candidate. Please allow thirty (30) days for test processing and mailing.